Sunday, January 14, 2024

Prayer for Healing Young Cancer Patients دعا براى شفاى كودكان و جوانان مبتلا به سرطان

Prayer for healing young cancer patients:


This prayer should be recited at a gentle and calm voice.

God give us a remission that in it we can see ourselves healthy and wholesome.

God give us a remission that in it we can see ourselves healthy and wholesome.

God give us a remission that in it we can see ourselves healthy and wholesome.

God give us a remission that in it we can see ourselves beside our family healthy and wholesome.

God give us a remission that in it we can see ourselves beside our family healthy and wholesome.

God give us a remission that in it we can see ourselves beside our family healthy and wholesome.

God give us a remission that in it we see ourselves beside our mother, father, sister and brother healthy and wholesome.

God give us a remission that in it we see ourselves beside our family healthy and wholesome.

God give us a remission that in it we see ourselves beside our family healthy and wholesome.

God give us a remission that in it our health be at the superior.

God give us a remission that in it our health be at the superior.

God give us a remission that in it our health be at the superior.

God give us a remission that in it the blackness limit doesn’t reach equal and become less.

God give us a remission that in it the blackness limit doesn’t reach equal and become less.

God give us a remission that in it the blackness limit doesn’t reach equal and become less.

God give us a remission that in it the blackness lessens at high quantity.

God give us a remission that in it the blackness lessens at high quantity.

God give us a remission that in it the blackness lessens at high quantity.

God give us a remission that in it that always we can not see blackness.

God give us a remission that in it that always we can not see blackness.

God give us a remission that in it that always we can not see blackness.

God give us a remission that in it always we can live heartily with our mother and father with happiness and joy and we can see ourselves healthy and wholesome.

God give us a remission that in it always we can live heartily with our mother and father with happiness and joy and we can see ourselves healthy and wholesome.

God give us a remission that in it always we can live heartily with our mother and father with happiness and joy and we can see ourselves healthy and wholesome.

Read these three time morning noon and night so they can gain their health again and be hopeful that they live healthy and wholesome near their mother and father and sister and brother and friends and play mates. 


دعا براى شفاى كودكان و جوانان مبتلا به سرطان

اين دعا بايد با صداى آرام و آهسته خوانده شود.


خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه در آن بتوانيم خودمان را ببينيم تندرست و سالم.

خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه در آن بتوانيم خودمان را ببينيم تندرست و سالم.

خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه در آن بتوانيم خودمان را ببينيم تندرست و سالم.

خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه در آن بتوانيم خودمان را ببينيم هميشه كنار خانواده خود سالم و تندرست.

خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه در آن بتوانيم خودمان را ببينيم هميشه كنار خانواده خود سالم و تندرست.

خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه در آن بتوانيم خودمان را ببينيم هميشه كنار خانواده خود سالم و تندرست.

خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه خود را در كنار مادر و پدر و خواهر و برادر خود ببينيم سالم و تندرست. 

خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه خود را در كنار مادر و پدر و خواهر و برادر خود ببينيم سالم و تندرست.

خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه خود را در كنار مادر و پدر و خواهر و برادر خود ببينيم سالم و تندرست.

خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه در آن سلامتى ما در حدّ اعلا باشد.

خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه در آن سلامتى ما در حدّ اعلا باشد.

خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه در آن سلامتى ما در حدّ اعلا باشد.

خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه در آن سياهى به حدّ اُنسَوا نرسد و كم شود.

خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه در آن سياهى به حدّ اُنسَوا نرسد و كم شود.

خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه در آن سياهى به حدّ اُنسوا  نرسد و كم شود.

خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه در آن سياهى به حدّ اعلا كم شود.

خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه در آن سياهى به حدّ اعلا كم شود.

خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه در آن سياهى به حدّ اعلا كم شود.

خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه هميشه در آن بتوانيم سياهى را نبينيم.

خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه هميشه در آن بتوانيم سياهى را نبينيم.

خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه هميشه در آن بتوانيم سياهى را نبينيم.

خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه هميشه در آن بتوانيم با مادر و پدر خود صميمانه در حالي كه رو به بهبوديم زندگى را با خوشحالى وشادى بگذرانيم و بتوانيم در آن خود را سالم و تندرست ببينيم.

خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه هميشه در آن بتوانيم با مادر و پدر خود صميمانه در حالي كه رو به بهبوديم زندگى را با خوشحالى وشادى بگذرانيم و بتوانيم در آن خود را سالم و تندرست ببينيم.

خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه هميشه در آن بتوانيم با مادر و پدر خود صميمانه در حالي كه رو به بهبوديم زندگى را با خوشحالى وشادى بگذرانيم و بتوانيم در آن خود را سالم و تندرست ببينيم.

اينها را روزى سه مرتبه صبح ظهر و شب بخوانند تا بتوانند بزودى سلامتى خود را باز يابند و اميدوار باشند به تندرستى و سلامتى دركنار مادر و پدر خواهر و برادر و دوستان و همبازيهاى خود







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