Thursday, January 18, 2024

Powerful Duaa by Prophet Mohammad S.W.


اللَّهُمَّ أَدْخِلْ عَلَى أَهْلِ الْقُبُورِ السُّرُورَ
اللَّهُمَّ أَغْنِ كُلَّ فَقِيرٍ
اللَّهُمَّ أَشْبِعْ كُلَّ جَائِعٍ‏
اللَّهُمَّ اكْسُ كُلَّ عُرْيَانٍ
اللَّهُمَّ اقْضِ دَيْنَ كُلِّ مَدِينٍ
‏اللَّهُمَّ فَرِّجْ عَنْ كُلِّ مَكْرُوبٍ
اللَّهُمَّ رُدَّ كُلَّ غَرِيبٍ
اللَّهُمَّ فُكَّ كُلَّ أَسِيرٍ
اللَّهُمَّ أَصْلِحْ كُلَّ فَاسِدٍ مِنْ أُمُورِ الْمُسْلِمِينَ‏
اللَّهُمَّ اشْفِ كُلَّ مَرِيضٍ
اللَّهُمَّ سُدَّ فَقْرَنَا بِغِنَاكَ
اللَّهُمَّ غَيِّرْ سُوءَ حَالِنَا بِحُسْنِ حَالِكَ‏
اللَّهُمَّ اقْضِ عَنَّا الدَّيْنَ
وَأَغْنِنَا مِنَ الْفَقْرِ
إِنَّكَ عَلَى كُلِّ شَيْ‏ءٍ قَدِيرٌ

 خدایا بفرست بر خفتگان در قبرها نشاط و سرور
خدایا دارا کن هر نداری را
خدایا سیر کن هر گرسنه ای را
خدایا بپوشان هر برهنه ای را
خدایا ادا کن قرض هر قرضداری را
خدایا بگشا اندوه هر غمزده ای را
خدایا به وطن بازگردان هرغریب دور از وطنی را
خدایا آزاد بفرما هر اسیری را
خدایا اصلاح کن هر فسادی را از امور مسلمین
خدایا شفا ده هر بیماری را
خدایا ببند رخنه فقر ما را بوسیله دارایی خود
خدایا بدی حال ما را بخوبی حال خودت مبدّل بفرما
  خدایا ادا کن قرض و بدهی ما را و از ندارى بی نیازمان بفرما
که براستی تو بر هر چیزی توانايى

Oh Lord, send joy and happiness to the deceased in their graves.

Oh Lord, give assets to those who don’t have.

Oh Lord, feed every hungry man

Oh Lord, cover every bare 

Oh Lord, pay the debt of everyone who is in debt

Oh Lord, exhilarate everyone who is in sadness

Oh Lord, return back everyone who is homesick far from his land.

Oh Lord, free everyone in captivity

Oh Lord, clear and reform all the corrupt from all aspects of Muslims

Oh Lord, heal every sick person

Oh Lord, close all the poverty with the richness of yourself

Oh Lord, change our bad condition to the goodness of yourself

Oh Lord, pay our debts and free us from need

That You have power over everything

بخشى از دعاى عرفه از حضرت امام حسين (ع) .Part of Duaa Arafaa by Imam Hossein a.s


بخشى از دعاى عرفه از امام حسين ع

اگر با قصد كوشش اى خدايم

به طول عصرها و قرن هايم

شود طى زندگى برنايد از من

يكى از شكر نعمتهايت گفتن

مگر با نعمت توفيق كان هم

مرا سازد بديگر شكر ملزم

كه پيوسته سپاسى تازه گويم

ثناى تازه بى اندازه گويم

اگر درصدد برآيم و در طول روزگاران و ساليان دراز كوشش كنم و عمرى را در سپاس يكى از نعمتهايت بگذرانم، از عهده آن بر نيايم مگر به نعمت توفيق كه باز بر اين نعمت سپاسى جاودانى و نو و ستايشى تازه و بزرگ بر من واجب مى شود.

If I try many years and live to praise and say thanks to one of Your bounties, I am not able to unless with the bounty of attainment (Towfigh), You give me oppurtunity to do another good work, that for this bounty, Towfigh, there is another praise, an eternal praise, a new and great praise that is due  to me.

Monday, January 15, 2024

Prayer for All


In the Name of Lord the Gracious the Merciful

May light comes, darkness goes

May love comes, hatred goes

May happiness comes, sadness goes

May purity comes, darkness goes

May Hope comes, fear goes

May health comes, sickness goes

May calmness comes, anger goes

May peace comes, war goes

May freedom  comes, captivity goes

Norooz Mobarak

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Powerful Duaa

O Allah you are my God. 

There is no God but You. I have brought faith on You. 

You are Lord of Grand Throne. 

Thine is always done and what you did not want did not happen. 

There is none powerful than Allah, Who is Supreme. 

I know everything is under control of Allah and knowledge and His control is all encompassing.

O’ Allah I take refuge in you for All my wrongs and from mischiefs of all living beings who are under your control.  

Undoubtedly, my Allah shows us the straight path in our lives.


بخشى از دعاى عرفه از حضرت امام حسين (ع) ( Part of Duaa Arafaa by Imam Hossein (as


Oh Allah, before I die, bring me out of my lower soul, and purify me from doubt. I ask for help from you, help me, I trust you, don’t leave me alone, I ask from your presence don‘t make me hopeless, I love your forgiveness, do not deprive me from it, I feel I belong to you. Don’t  make me far from you, I am standing and insisting by your thrown, do not leave me.

Part of Duaa: Arafat by Hazrat e Imam Hossein A.S.

خدايا پيش از آنكه خاك گورم در خود فرو برد از خوارى نفسم بيرون آر و از دو دلى و شركم پاك ساز، من از تو يارى مى جويم، مرا يارى بده، بر تو توكّل مى كنم، مرا به خود وا مگذار، از پيشگاهت در خواست مى كنم، نا اميدم مگردان، به بخششت رغبت نشان مى دهم، محرومم  مساز، خود را به حضرتت وابسته مى دانم، از خود دورم مكن، و بر آستانت ايستاده ام، مرا از درگاهت دور مران.

بخشى از دعاى عرفه از حضرت امام حسين (ع) 

Prayer for Healing Young Cancer Patients دعا براى شفاى كودكان و جوانان مبتلا به سرطان

Prayer for healing young cancer patients:


This prayer should be recited at a gentle and calm voice.

God give us a remission that in it we can see ourselves healthy and wholesome.

God give us a remission that in it we can see ourselves healthy and wholesome.

God give us a remission that in it we can see ourselves healthy and wholesome.

God give us a remission that in it we can see ourselves beside our family healthy and wholesome.

God give us a remission that in it we can see ourselves beside our family healthy and wholesome.

God give us a remission that in it we can see ourselves beside our family healthy and wholesome.

God give us a remission that in it we see ourselves beside our mother, father, sister and brother healthy and wholesome.

God give us a remission that in it we see ourselves beside our family healthy and wholesome.

God give us a remission that in it we see ourselves beside our family healthy and wholesome.

God give us a remission that in it our health be at the superior.

God give us a remission that in it our health be at the superior.

God give us a remission that in it our health be at the superior.

God give us a remission that in it the blackness limit doesn’t reach equal and become less.

God give us a remission that in it the blackness limit doesn’t reach equal and become less.

God give us a remission that in it the blackness limit doesn’t reach equal and become less.

God give us a remission that in it the blackness lessens at high quantity.

God give us a remission that in it the blackness lessens at high quantity.

God give us a remission that in it the blackness lessens at high quantity.

God give us a remission that in it that always we can not see blackness.

God give us a remission that in it that always we can not see blackness.

God give us a remission that in it that always we can not see blackness.

God give us a remission that in it always we can live heartily with our mother and father with happiness and joy and we can see ourselves healthy and wholesome.

God give us a remission that in it always we can live heartily with our mother and father with happiness and joy and we can see ourselves healthy and wholesome.

God give us a remission that in it always we can live heartily with our mother and father with happiness and joy and we can see ourselves healthy and wholesome.

Read these three time morning noon and night so they can gain their health again and be hopeful that they live healthy and wholesome near their mother and father and sister and brother and friends and play mates. 


دعا براى شفاى كودكان و جوانان مبتلا به سرطان

اين دعا بايد با صداى آرام و آهسته خوانده شود.


خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه در آن بتوانيم خودمان را ببينيم تندرست و سالم.

خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه در آن بتوانيم خودمان را ببينيم تندرست و سالم.

خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه در آن بتوانيم خودمان را ببينيم تندرست و سالم.

خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه در آن بتوانيم خودمان را ببينيم هميشه كنار خانواده خود سالم و تندرست.

خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه در آن بتوانيم خودمان را ببينيم هميشه كنار خانواده خود سالم و تندرست.

خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه در آن بتوانيم خودمان را ببينيم هميشه كنار خانواده خود سالم و تندرست.

خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه خود را در كنار مادر و پدر و خواهر و برادر خود ببينيم سالم و تندرست. 

خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه خود را در كنار مادر و پدر و خواهر و برادر خود ببينيم سالم و تندرست.

خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه خود را در كنار مادر و پدر و خواهر و برادر خود ببينيم سالم و تندرست.

خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه در آن سلامتى ما در حدّ اعلا باشد.

خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه در آن سلامتى ما در حدّ اعلا باشد.

خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه در آن سلامتى ما در حدّ اعلا باشد.

خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه در آن سياهى به حدّ اُنسَوا نرسد و كم شود.

خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه در آن سياهى به حدّ اُنسَوا نرسد و كم شود.

خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه در آن سياهى به حدّ اُنسوا  نرسد و كم شود.

خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه در آن سياهى به حدّ اعلا كم شود.

خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه در آن سياهى به حدّ اعلا كم شود.

خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه در آن سياهى به حدّ اعلا كم شود.

خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه هميشه در آن بتوانيم سياهى را نبينيم.

خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه هميشه در آن بتوانيم سياهى را نبينيم.

خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه هميشه در آن بتوانيم سياهى را نبينيم.

خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه هميشه در آن بتوانيم با مادر و پدر خود صميمانه در حالي كه رو به بهبوديم زندگى را با خوشحالى وشادى بگذرانيم و بتوانيم در آن خود را سالم و تندرست ببينيم.

خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه هميشه در آن بتوانيم با مادر و پدر خود صميمانه در حالي كه رو به بهبوديم زندگى را با خوشحالى وشادى بگذرانيم و بتوانيم در آن خود را سالم و تندرست ببينيم.

خداوندا به ما مغفرتى عطا كن كه هميشه در آن بتوانيم با مادر و پدر خود صميمانه در حالي كه رو به بهبوديم زندگى را با خوشحالى وشادى بگذرانيم و بتوانيم در آن خود را سالم و تندرست ببينيم.

اينها را روزى سه مرتبه صبح ظهر و شب بخوانند تا بتوانند بزودى سلامتى خود را باز يابند و اميدوار باشند به تندرستى و سلامتى دركنار مادر و پدر خواهر و برادر و دوستان و همبازيهاى خود







Dua Jawshan e Kabir دعاى جوشن كبير from:

(1) اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسْألُكَ بِاسْمِكَ يَا اللَّهُ O Allah, verily I beseech You in Your name: O Allah, يَا رَحْمَنُ يَا رَحِيمُ ...